CinderElla Revamped Memories

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Baby

Hey Guys,
I haven't been tagging posting anything much lately, but i sure am following the blog. Its nice to see that our little talk yesterday got through to you guys. Hahaha. SpiDer thanks for being such a sweetheart by stepping forward to motivate your fellow actors and dancers. What Spider said previously is entirely true. We are all in this together guys. There is too much effort being put in by both the cast and crew for this. This musical is OUR baby. Always remember that.

When Lex, Andrew and I spoke to you guys about your level of descipline, i could see that you guys could feel the difficulties that we were facing. We need your support and dedication to work with guys. I know that means you have to sacrifice more time and effort, but like what Spider said, we're a family that means we suffer together the same way we enjoy together.

Lady D is woking her butt off for you guys, she may not show it outwardly, but do understand that she's focused on this production 24/7 ( the girl needs a life) constantly making sure that you guys get the most out of what you're doing. So are your Dance Instructors and music/vocal instructors. Lex and Andrew sweat WITH you guys during every rehersal, going over the steps again and again and again. Prasad's taking time off the fastlane to come down and help you guys anyway he can. Vinleon is balancing the music department's job with his NS duties. So are all the other departments. You guys have to respect that about them. The one and ONLY way you can show your gratitude is to put in 150% of your spirit into this production. You guys are extreamly talented and more super crazy! You guys have been the best and most fun people i've ever had to work with.. and i mean EVER!

I may not be able to come down for rehersals for some time from now due to my stupid NS training. Thats the reason i'm typing up this almost-emo entry.

Have fun guys, and look out for each other.
Feel free to call any of the senior crew members if you ever need help or advice in anything... including me.

Untill the next time i get to yell at your asses.. .

Lots of love and a little Sarcasm,