CinderElla Revamped Memories

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Matt, the effeminate best friend ...

I lead the perfect life and everyone wants to be me.

It's the truth, isn't it? Cars, Credit Cards, Movie Premieres, Spa and Country Club memberships, I've got it all. I know Eric hates it when I act all snobby and such, but as much as I love the fella, I think I have earned the right to do so.

It isn't easy hanging around with the popular kids, contrary to what many of you peasants think. Our skin has to be flawless, our hair dandruff-free, and our outfits not worn more than once. Yes, it's hard work, but it pays, as the entire student body admires and adores us. Well, except for Eric, and that new girl Ella, along with her group of lame friends.

Eric's a nice guy, I've known him for a long time - since we traded lunches in pre-school, to be exact - and simply do not understand his infatuation with Ella. I mean, Bianca's step-sister?
If Rhiana's any indication to go by ... I'd rather spend a whole day without make-up than be caught dead with that loser Ella. That sweater she wore the other day? Hideous.

Sometimes I wonder though, why we have to adorn ourseves in the latest fashion, own the sweestest rides, and wear the most expensive accessories to be considered cool. Eric doesn't, but he's still popular ...
And sometimes, when my chauffeur drives past the places where Eric and I used to frequent as kids, a deep sense of nostalgia comes over me, a longing for the old days where everything was so much simpler.

But we're no longer kids, and I cannot see why Eric still clings onto the naive child-like belief that everyone is equal in society.

Image is everythng, and he'll lose that pretty soon if he doesn't stop hanging out with Ella and her posse. I do understand that Bianca can be a major annoyance, but still it's societal suicide to hang out with the misfits.

They are the outcasts of our school for a reason, and even the mathletes and the goths don't wanna hang out with them.

I would love to discuss more about the complexities of being popular, but I have a tight schedule to follow. Manicurist appointment at 3, spa session at 5, and shopping with Bianca at 7 ...

As I said, it's hard work being popular.